Schools, rail services, sporting fixtures and hospitals are all set to be affected on Friday when Storm Eowyn slams into the UK.
The 52-year prison sentence of Axel Rudakubana is to be reviewed following complaints it was "unduly lenient".
Donald Trump has ordered the release of thousands of classified files on the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
A record number of children are living in B&Bs beyond the legal limit as England's homelessness crisis pushes councils to breaking point.
Mobile network Three has apologised after customers across the country reported problems making and receiving voice calls.
From shattering the record for most executive orders signed on a first day in office, a bishop imploring him to have mercy on immigrants and LGBTQ+ people, Melania's hat and Mark Zuckerberg's wandering eye - the first few days of Trump 2.0 has been not just the talk of the town in Washington DC, but in Westminster too.
The boss of Britain's biggest mortgage lender has told Sky News he expects three interest rate cuts this year, bringing some relief to borrowers and mortgage holders.
Britain faces four years of economic pain because the government has made life difficult for businesses following the budget, the co-founder of BrewDog has told Sky News.
The government should set time limits for public inquiries and "not let them go on for years and years", Harriet Harman has said.
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has told Sky News he is seeking the arrest of two senior Taliban figures over the "systemic and deliberate" persecution of women in Afghanistan.
6:00am - 10:00am
With The Early Bird Quiz before 7, birthdays after 8 and the Test of Time after 9.
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Cee-Lo GreenChuck Taylors
Keith UrbanDon't Get Me Wrong
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