It proposes an increase in their portion of council tax of 2.5%.
A consultation has been launched to ask what people think about North West Leicestershire District Council’s (NWLDC) budget proposals for the coming year.
The budget proposals are subject to Council approval.
It proposes an increase in their portion of council tax of 2.5%.
The council's fees for some of its services are proposed to increase at the rate of inflation to balance the cost of providing the services.
For example, it will cost £1 more per match to hire one of the council’s football or 3G pitches
The charge to hire a stall at Newmarket or Marlborough Square outdoor market will stay the same
Whilst it has a balanced budget this year, NWLDC is predicting a budget gap of £411,000 in 2026/27 rising to £2.4 million by 2028/29 and £3.5 million by 2029/30.
Councillor Nick Rushton, Corporate Portfolio Holder for NWLDC, said: “The majority of councils are facing budget pressures, and NWLDC has been cushioned from some of this by various factors, including good financial management.
“However, we also have ongoing pressures on our services, and expect to see a gap in our budget from this year.
“It is vital, therefore, that we look to increase income in many areas, whilst working internally to improve efficiency and make savings where possible.
“I am confident that this balanced budget, our savings plans and our ongoing efficiency work will keep this council on a good financial footing.
“I’d like to encourage people to give their opinion on the budget proposals so we can consider the feedback when deciding on the final budget for the coming year.”